Stories of The Prophets (Age 9+)

The purpose is to help embed and nurture the basic belief of a La ilaha ila Allah Mohammad Rasullah. Believing in Oneness of Allah, in His Lordship, Names and Attributes and in His worship, and believing and obeying Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


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Categories: All Books, Age 9+

Book Details

Weight 0.3 kg

Author: Omayma Shaikh
Publisher: Haq Publications

The book consists of activities and worksheets related to the amazingly inspiring stories of our Prophets (AS), helping the children grasp and retain the messages and morals of each story.

The purpose is to help embed and nurture the basic belief of a La ilaha ila Allah Mohammad Rasullah. Believing in Oneness of Allah, in His Lordship, Names and Attributes and in His worship, and believing and obeying Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


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