

Download these free activities and worksheets to reinforce the concepts explained in our books

Aqeedah Activities

Download the worksheets to practice the concepts defined in Aqeedah books.

Salah Activities

Download the worksheets to practice the concepts defined in Salah books.

Stories of Prophets Activities

Download the worksheets to practice the concepts defined in stories of Prophets book.

Dua Activities

Download the worksheets to practice the concepts defined in Dua books.

Adaab Activities

Download the worksheets to practice the concepts defined in Adaab books.

Learning Worksheets, Experiments and Crafts

Download the worksheets according to level required to practice the concepts.

Ramadan Activities

Download the worksheets according to practice the concepts defined in Ramadan activities.

All worksheets are free of cost and cannot be used for any selling purposes.
Images used are from the World Wide Web.
