
About Us

About Us

Children of Islam has re-imagined the Weekend Islamic School. Our curriculum and books are creatively designed to attract young learners and to nurture them with essential knowledge and understanding of our beautiful Deen. Our aim is to implant in our children the love of Islam through the Qur’an and Sunnah.

The way we teach is unique. We believe that children learn the most by doing. For every concept that is colorfully explained, our books are also filled with fun activities. We supplement our class exercises with lots of exciting outdoor activities. Our teachers are trained. We love and understand our kids and give attention to every child. For every book, we have also designed teachers’ guide to ensure our unique approach can be easily adapted by Weekend Islamic School teachers across the world.

Our books are being taught in Weekend Islamic Schools in Kuwait, Bahrain and Pakistan. Over 3,000 children have already benefited from our fun way of learning.

About Our Team

Children of Islam is being managed by dedicated mothers and sisters.

Saadia Salman

I help manage Children of Islam. I am a mother of three children and a grandmother of four naughty but cute kids Alhamdulillah. I have been living in Kuwait for the past 47 years. I am a student of the Quran, conducting several classes from my home, both physically and virtually. My Life’s motto is the first ayah of Surah Ibrahim:

“Alif Laam Raa. This Qur’an is a Book We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) so that you may bring humanity out from the wails of darkness into the light, by the permission of their Lord and to the Straight Way of the Overpowering One; the All Praised.”

Umm e Lamaan

Author of Aqeedah, Du’a, Adaab, and Salah activity books and Teacher’s guide.

I have been a student of the Qur’an for many years. Currently, I am near completion of a 4-year Bachelor of Arts degree in Islamic Studies from Knowledge International University which runs under the Directorship of Shaikh Dr. ‘Abdur-Rahman ibn ‘Abdil-Azeez Al Sudais, Imam and Khateeb of Masjid al-Haraam, Makkah.

A mother of 4, residing in Kuwait, I have always remained a student in some form. My academic background includes an MBA from the United States and a Master in International Relations from Pakistan.

I started Children of Islam with the hope to be able to convey to pure minds the essence of our beautiful Deen and help them establish a strong relation with Allah (SWT). I manage COI and our Weekend Islamic School in Kuwait. I also teach various age groups.

Omayma Sheikh

Author of Stories of the Prophets activity book.

I am a mother of 3 residing in Kuwait and I have graduated with Economics and Literature as my major. I have been a student of the Quran for several years, seeking to understand the word of Allah through various scholars. Currently, I am near completion of a 4-year Bachelor of Arts degree in Islamic Studies from Knowledge International University. I also teach young girls aged 9-15 at the Children of Islam Weekend Islamic School in Kuwait. I am currently teaching Seerah of the Prophet (PBUH) and Tafseer of Surah Al Kahf to our oldest set (ages 14-16). My aim being to make our youth comfortable and confident about their belief in Tawheed and to nourish their young minds with the teachings of the Quran & Sunnah so as to give them a direction in today’s trying times.

Samina Ateeq

A medical doctor by profession, I have been a dedicated student of the Qur’an for quite a few years. Currently, I am student of Al-Huda and a member of Children of Islam in Kuwait to help manage our Weekly Islamic School and other activities.

I lead proof reading and editing the English books and translating them in Urdu.

Umm Ameen 

Originally from India and living in Kuwait, Alhamdulilah I am a mother of four. My educational background is Computer Science and currently I work as VP in a reputed company in Kuwait.

I am a student of the Qur’an. I have taken Islamic classes at International Open University and Taalim ul Quran, Al-Huda, Kuwait. At Children of Islam, I teach children age group 5-7. I also teach youth at IMA’s Summer Islamic School.

Umm Adel 

I reverted to Islam in 2001. Since then, I am a student of the Qur’an. I am studying Arabic, Hadith and Islamic Jurisprudence Fiqh since 2015 with the Islamic Cultural Center (ICC) under the auspices of the Kuwait Ministry of Awqaaf. My academic background includes Human Resource, Finance, Acquisition and Contracting.

I have been teaching Du’a and Hadith to the youth at Children of Islam. I also teach Character Building to girls of age group 9-14.

Bint e Nisar Ahmed

I manage Children of Islam in Islamabad, Pakistan, and run our Weekend Islamic School. Earlier, I helped manage our school and activities in Kuwait for several years. I am also a student of the Qur’an at Al Huda institute, Islamabad.

Sheeba Siddiqui

I am a mother of three and have done my Masters in English Literature from Aligarh Muslim University, India. I am a student of the Qur’an and I am also teaching at the Weekend Islamic School of the Children of Islam. As a mother and a teacher my perspective is that you have to be, first and foremost, a good role model for your kids and students. My passion is to spread the message of Allah to others and to benefit them with the capabilities that I have.

Sana Shaheen

A medical doctor by profession, I did my M.B.B.S from Dow Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan. I am a student of the Qur’an and I also teach at the Weekend Islamic School of Children of Islam. A mother of two daughters Alhamdulillah, I take it as a duty to raise our children according to the teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah. May ALLAH bless our children and make them the best sadaqa-e-jariah for us. Ameen.

Safa Rashid

Born, raised, and educated in Kuwait, I have always considered it my home. However, I am originally from Pakistan. I have always had a passion to teach and after pursuing my BA in education, I am currently working as an English Language Teacher in Kuwait. I was brought up with the Quran and have been attached to it ever since. I was taught to read and memorize from a young age and continue to learn and teach it Alhamdulillah. At Children of Islam, I help proofread and compile our books.
