Tips to motivate children who require extra support in a class system


Are you looking for tips to motivate children who require extra support in a class system?

Assalamalaikum wa rahmatullah,

Children are all different and unique in their skills and learning capabilities, and we must never forget that. There are times when a child may be struggling in an area and require extra help.

I am a teacher of  students requiring extra learning support in order to meet a certain target  in a class system. I work with children ranging from 6-11-years old.

As a teacher, here are some tips I have found useful and have proven to provide motivation in such learners:

  • Don’t hold back on displaying your passion.


  • Make it a point to know your students well individually.


  • Ensure methods of teaching have variety from day to day.


  • Always make it a point to compliment and praise.


  • Encourage teamwork and partner/team-oriented activities for a healthy environment.


  • Always keep students engaged.


  • When you start losing their focus, make them stand up and move around – providing “brain breaks”.


  • Do not over-cram material to teach at once, spread it out to ensure appropriate absorption.


  • Ask their opinions wherever you can. Show them they matter!


  • Always check for understanding before moving to new concepts.


  • Provide real life, tangible examples for complex concepts.


  • Never show your frustration/disappointment. Great things always take their sweet time!


I pray that these tips are useful!

About the author

Safa Rashid

Born, raised, and educated in Kuwait, I have always considered it my home. However, I am originally from Pakistan. I have always had a passion to teach and after pursuing my BA in education, I am currently working as an English Language Teacher in Kuwait. I was brought up with the Quran and have been attached to it ever since. I was taught to read and memorize from a young age and continue to learn and teach it Alhamdulillah. At Children of Islam, I help proofread and compile our books.


Children of Islam has re-imagined the Weekend Islamic School. Our curriculum and books are creatively designed to attract young learners and to nurture them with essential knowledge and understanding of our beautiful Deen. Our aim is to implant in our children the love of Islam through the Qur’an and Sunnah.