The holy month of Ramadan is a precious gift from Allah SWT. It is a month of abundant blessings and Rahmah. A great opportunity for all the believers to raise their ranks in Jannah through intense ibadah. The doors of Allah’s mercy are open and His blessings are pouring down for us. Blessed are those who grab this opportunity fully and make the best use of their time and abilities during this...
Fasting ”saum” is one of the Pillar of Islam. Muslims are required to fast during the whole month of Ramadhan. ”SAUM” in Arabic means to ”restrain and maintain silence” The Holy Qur’an defines ”SAUM” as patience which means ”self-control, perseverance and determination.” In Islam, it is the practice of abstaining usually from food...
Tips to motivate children who require extra support in a class system
Are you looking for tips to motivate children who require extra support in a class system? Assalamalaikum wa rahmatullah, Children are all different and unique in their skills and learning capabilities, and we must never forget that. There are times when a child may be struggling in an area and require extra help. I am a teacher of students requiring extra learning support in order to meet a...
Gratitude is the essence of Islam. It is also the key to bring happiness, prosperity, peace, and success in one’s life. We can say that Sabr and Shukr are the most important aspects of our deen. We, as Muslims, should always be thankful to the Almighty Allah for all the blessings given by Him. The feeling of thankfulness is an amazing feeling which beautifies our lives. It emanates positivity...
شکر گزاری
اگر ہم اپنی زندگیوں کا گہری نظر سے مشاہدہ کریں تو یقیناً ہمیں یہ معلوم ہوگا کہ اللہ تعالیٰ نے ہمیں بیش بہا نعمتوں سے نوازا ہے جن کا شمار کرنا نا ممکن ہے چاہے وہ نعمت اولاد کی شکل میں ہو، رزق ہو، عافیت ہو یا صحت۔ اب انسان کے پاس اس کی دو ہی صورتیں ہیں ، یا تو وہ بے حسی کا مظاہرہ کر تے ہوئے اللہ کی نا شکری کرے یا پھر اس کا اعتراف کرتے ہوئے شکر بجا لائے اور یقیناً شکر بجا لانے میں انسان ہی کی دنیا و...
Tips for building strong bonds with our children!
Always be physically & mentally present. Put your phones away and turn your face towards them giving them full attention when they speak to you. Speak to them as if they are the wisest and honourable of people. This will help build high self-esteem in them. Correct their mistakes in a constructive way so that they run to you for help whenever they feel they have done something wrong. They...