Tips for building strong bonds with our children!

  1. Always be physically & mentally present. Put your phones away and turn your face towards them giving them full attention when they speak to you.
  2. Speak to them as if they are the wisest and honourable of people. This will help build high self-esteem in them.
  3. Correct their mistakes in a constructive way so that they run to you for help whenever they feel they have done something wrong. They must be affirmed that YOUR counsel is the best counsel & that YOU will show them how to put things right.
  4. Develop a Love for Allah in them first. Describe Allah as HE has introduced Himself in the Quran, so that are familiar with Allah’s great mercy and love for His creation. We often make the mistake of scaring our children by mostly telling them about punishment and what makes Allah angry.
  5. Mention the Prophet (PBUH) a lot around the house, talk about him often, make it a normal routine to discuss his life & habits with them, show them how it is to be a true follower of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) by practicing his Sunnah yourself.
  6. Make Du’a for your children everyday, for Allah to make them of the true believers and a beneficial part of this Ummah

About the author

Omayma Sheikh

Author of Stories of the Prophets activity book.
I am a mother of 3 residing in Kuwait and I have graduated with Economics and Literature as my major. I have been a student of the Quran for several years, seeking to understand the word of Allah through various scholars. Currently, I am near completion of a 4-year Bachelor of Arts degree in Islamic Studies from Knowledge International University. I also teach young girls aged 9-15 at the Children of Islam Weekend Islamic School in Kuwait. I am currently teaching Seerah of the Prophet (PBUH) and Tafseer of Surah Al Kahf to our oldest set (ages 14-16). My aim being to make our youth comfortable and confident about their belief in Tawheed and to nourish their young minds with the teachings of the Quran & Sunnah so as to give them a direction in today’s trying times.

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Children of Islam has re-imagined the Weekend Islamic School. Our curriculum and books are creatively designed to attract young learners and to nurture them with essential knowledge and understanding of our beautiful Deen. Our aim is to implant in our children the love of Islam through the Qur’an and Sunnah.